Photograph by Frank Couch
Meditation Lite - Drop In Class
Lunch Lift - Mondays @ noon $20
Please contact me for additional info.
For those who simply want to relax, relieve stress, and take advantage of the many positive health benefits. This class will be a seated meditation (on the floor or in a chair), streamlined to give you the basics of breathing and how to quiet the mind. It begins with guided relaxation and breathing after which I allow you to sit in stillness and silence with yourself. A typical class is approximately one hour. You will feel like you have been to the spa!
**Please pre-register if this is your first class with me by filling out the form on my Contact Page.
Potential Future Workshops
Is your house making you sick?
An overview on the topic of Geopathic and Technopathic Stress. There will be an opportunity for you to ask general questions. If you have specific questions about your home or office, please schedule an appointment to discuss it.
Introduction to Body Energy Balancing & Healing
Using energy to heal, with practices such as Reiki, is a very deep and broad subject, but this will be an introduction to using energy to Heal and Balance the body.
Subtle Energies
I have worked with subtle energies for over 35 years. These are simply energies which cannot be seen with our normal vision. They can be anything from auras, ghosts, Elementals, Human Manifested Energy Forms, Energy Spirals, Earth Energy Lines, Ley Lines, and the list goes on. This class is an introduction to some of these with a particular focus on using subtle energy for balancing and healing the Human body.
Introduction to Intuition - Awakening You Inner Psychic
Every Human Being is hard wired to have intuition, most of us however, are not shown how to develop or access it. I will discuss what it is, how it speaks, and show you how to do a reading.
Walking Meditation
When imagining someone meditating, most people would picture a person sitting cross legged, eyes closed, fingertips connecting, and perhaps making a weird "OM" sound. While that is certainly a very typical meditation experience, there are many others. In this class I will offer an alternative to sitting meditation by guiding you through a walking meditation as a way to connect outwardly and inwardly at the same time.
Introduction to Dowsing
This class will be an introduction to the practice of dowsing. Dowsing is an ancient art which most people associate with a person walking around, holding a forked stick and looking for water. This practice is still in use today and dowsers are even employed by engineering and well digging firms to help find water, oil, minerals, and even gold. But Dowsing is so much more than that. There are a variety of tools one might use to dowse, such as a pendulum or rods. The practice is to connect to your Higher Power, ask questions, and receive answers through your subconscious via small subcutaneous muscle twitches which make your device of choice move to indicate an answer. Not magic, not woo-woo, but if you have ever watched a skilled dowser in action it certainly can seem that way. I will demonstrate both the use of a pendulum and rods and answer your general questions about the practice.
How to Manifest
Law of Attraction is a common topic around the water cooler these days, but do you really know how to use it? It is more than just putting affirming sticky notes all over your house, car and computer. It is more than just meditation with a positive intention. Learn some secrets about why it works and why it doesn't, and how to make it work for you to obtain your desires.